Thursday, July 29, 2004


哈尔滨近两年的车展,我都会过去凑凑热闹。每次从车展归来都会有种怅然神伤的感觉,人问其所以然,答曰“香车美女,均与我绝缘,颇受刺激,因此神 伤”。得到的回应,一种是“面包会有的”式的劝慰,一种是“发什么神经?”式的反问,再者就是触动了对方这根同样敏感的神经,将这种神伤传染给对方。

“香 车”和“美女”都是奢侈生活的标志,两词联合使用想必威力更大。某种意义上来讲“香车美女”已经成为了奢侈生活的借代修辞,也更确切的成为了各地车展的主 题。香车+美女 已经足够可以吸引大批人的眼球,特别是与香车美女绝缘的人们的眼球,譬如本人的眼球。香车美女如此多娇,引无数英雄竞掏腰包。


然 而,就是在车展这种“与香车美女的临时亲密接触”的活动中,你也是不能完成你许多心愿的。香车外的一层护栏,已经清楚了告诫你游戏的规则“远观而 不可亵玩”。不过规则也有例外的时候,就是在你能像有一张VIP的胸卡的时候,也许可以坐到车里意淫一下该车的驾乘乐趣。美女也是如此,传闻中最大牌的模 特,当然也是车展中最昂贵的劳斯莱斯的模特,只在车展中出场了两天。而那两天是被定为“专业人士的参观时间”,对于专业的评定,取决于车展的票价。我等享 受30元门票的观众,则无缘看到这位“倾展”名模。

有人提出,香车美女走得如此亲近,这意味着汽车是一种“雄性动物”。看起来这是一个 不错的观点。无论是棱角的外观或者肌肉般的曲线,都体现着汽车的 雄性性状。不过,男人对车的喜爱,是否有意味着这有一些gay呢?答曰“非也”,得到的解释是汽车曾在性解放运动中所起到的关键作用,等等。醍醐灌顶。前 一阵,在CNN上看到一条消息:根据调查BMW的拥有者的性事更多,其次是奥迪,大众……最差的是保时捷。


Sunday, July 25, 2004

Le Peuple Migrateur

"Le Peuple Migrateur" is a splendid documentary movie. The movie is astonishingly beautify and sets peple thinking. It's a movie about life, it shows us how beautify and how persistent the life is.

The English title of this movie is "Winged Migration" or "Travelling Birds", however, the actual meaning of the Frech words in the title should be "People Migrated" or maybe "Travelling People".

I don't know wheather there is any metaphor behind that, but in my mind, I think in fact people do migrate a lot. At least, I've seen it a alot.

My uncle has migrated to Canada since the year 2002. Then, My aunt and my cousin moved to him the next year. My uncle was a manager of a company, he also worked in a language school here as a chief. but he could get a job in Canada as he'd got in China. His first jobs there was very phsyical ones, and he got exausted everyday. He is now working in a supermarket, in charge of some staffs, but I'm sure he is not happy about the work. Also, my aunt was an accountant here, but she is now working in a bread factory. and she is worrying about her sick father in Harbin everyday. I think they didn't get better life there, all they did is for their son. He'll grow up in a healthier envoriment, recieve a better education and probabley will lead a brighter future.

A friend of mine has just left Harbin for Chongqing in Sunday. He was looking for some internships there. And after the intern, he would have slim change to remain in Harbin. He has a girlfriend in Harbin, who has already got a stable job teaching English in campus and probably wouldn't move into anther place during these years. Some sugeested him live in Harbin with his girl, however, he wanted a try away from home. I've no idea what they have planned or what the girl's concern. but I think it is always a sad thing for couples drifting apart. Anyhow, there're more oppcunities in other cities than in Harbin.

C'est la vie. When you get something, you will get something to lose at the same time. A very cynic version is "everyone is destnated by his/her inital value -- wise and wealth given by parents".

I also listed some pros and cons of hunting a job in larger citys with my friends. Still, the cons cannot stop me from going out, as it didn't stop the other people. because we'll never figure out how much it gains and how much it pains till we get it.