Sunday, October 23, 2005



我 似乎还没有记录过我工作后感想,这并不是我没有感想,而是来上海之后,有了太多的感想,却乱了头绪,无从下笔。总的来讲,在上海的工作生活还是顺利的。工 作的工资虽然不高,毕业前所幻想的小康生活也没有真正的降临,不过却活得四平八稳、理直气壮。主要是心情还算是舒畅,可能是我还没有遇到工作的人所分享经 验中那些无奈。

Friday, August 19, 2005

企鹅的三月 & 阿May的第一次

昨夜,在买洗涤剂的途中遭遇大雨,在街边避雨的时候发现一家音像品小店(上海这样的小店比比皆是),顺便购得 "Le Marche de l'empereur" DVD一张。回去用笔记本试了一下,除了前面一些Disney & Pixar的广告令我感到厌烦以外,其余还都还好。看了大约有十分钟的时间,大概知道了这个电影的主旨是什么,因为,电影中的旁白已经说明了这是关于企鹅 的Marche的记录。我不懂法语,但是Marche的发音却与英文March很像,我听得很清楚。

今天中午,浏览DVD碟报的网站上, 发现有对这张DVD的介绍,顺手打开来看,竟然叫做《企鹅的三月》——想必一定是March还有"三月"的意思造成 的。我想看看这个翻译究竟影响到了多少人,于是Google了一下"企鹅的三月",结果出乎意料,连新华网也这样介绍,我想可能使我错了。因为上面还赫然 有着对三月的十分合理的解释:


不得不找IMDB求证一下,结果还好,电影的International English Title是The Emperor's Journey,这样才长出一口气。

我 想,翻译者也不是一无是处的,因为他没有把电影翻译成"皇帝的三月",再加上一个"每年三月,皇帝就要选妾,太监们忙着..." 这样一个看似合理的解释。我想,在这一点上,也要归功于封面设计,DVD封面上的那只企鹅,一定是帮助翻译者找到了不少的灵感,最后得到了"企鹅"的结 论。



作 为一个中年人,5月份里的一个好天气有时会令我想到 BeeGee's的一支老歌,First of May,可直译为“5月1日”或者“5月初”。17岁时候,这歌听得我泪流满面。其实它是作为70年代初的一部电影《两小无猜》(Melody)的插曲一 插而红的。电影讲的是“小学生早恋”的故事,套用今天的流行文化术语,可归类于“青春剧”。但是,对于今天的年轻人来说,“早恋”早就不算劲爆,最起码已 无法成为一部商业影片的卖点。更能说明问题的是,最近我在地铁车厢里见到一位正在漫不经心地讲着手机的花季女生,并且窃听到她正在将这支纯情到发疯的情歌 向对方解读为“阿May的第一次”。

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Einmal Shanghai

Been in this city for half a month, but I haven't got enough time to experience the city, on the other hand, the city is so huge to explore, however, I have some shallow poionts of the city to share.

Last Friday evening, I went to the Wai-Tan beach of Huangpujiang River. It was crowded and the sight is not so good as I expected. Though, the fireworks cheers me up a little, I considered it a welcome ceremony for me:D. One of my friends said at he wanted to own the city watching Wai-Tan in the evening, while I hadn't got that ambition, I just wanted to be part of the city.

I am a new guy in this town, my existences here might have nothing to do with this city and most people here, but for me there would be a lot of "first time" to discovery, to explore.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Im Leavin' on a Jetplane

早上,打电话定了18号的机票,没想到很快机票就被送过来。机票拿到手,有些感慨,在这里的日子也不多了。在哈尔滨生活了25年,只是在离别前才发现她的 好——而这些恰恰是我原来所忽视的--也许是只缘身在此山中的缘故罢。25年的生活中,这个城市给了我什么,我不清楚。需要换一个环境,从其他的角度来回 顾这段时间我所被给予的。


CD中播放着Matthew LienBressnone,我原本以为,这首歌在远行前送给家乡的姑娘,是一件妙事,它为即将离别的人所写,也带走了我的思绪:

you will be a sweet surrender,
I must go the other way,
and my train will carry me onward,
though my heart will surely stay.

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Finally got my MS degree

Wednesday, June 15, 2005




以后,我便不怎么坐电梯了,除非看到那个女人在收发室里面扯话,我才能偷偷溜过去,体会一下上上下下的感觉。间或有同学朋友来找我,也总会提起电梯中的女人。也有人说电梯中的女人对他们的态度恶劣、粗暴、白眼相加。我则解释给他们,她是我们这幢楼的CEO,所以才会这样。CEO?对,Chief Elevator Operator。然后朋友们则会会意地点点头。


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Fading Characters

Painted on the wall is "Long live the Chinese Comunist Party".
I took this picture on May 1st, at Daowai - The old neighbourhood of Harbin.

Sunday, May 29, 2005



听 到“三让”后,作为一个计算机工作者,本能的意识到“三让”里面存在着死锁。死锁是什么?我高考备考的时候读过一篇阅读,说一位荷兰科学家解释死锁为 “5个哲学家围坐在圆桌吃饭,每个人手里面拿着一支筷子,结果谁都吃不了饭”——那篇文章的本意是人们对哲学的不理解。读了大学之后,才知道那位荷兰科学 家是Dijkstra,而Dining Philosophers,也是操作系统课本上的必修内容。

不 知道那位提出“三让”伟大构想的人,是从哪里来。不过确实有三块表能让我们的奶牛多产奶,煤矿多出煤,能让我们的神州号上天,还能让我们的运动员取得好的 比赛成绩--这都是权威的CCTV证实的。看来三让也不是没有理论依据,想必不久,我们的“三让”也一定会在哈尔滨的各个新 闻媒体中喜报频传的。

说 到这儿,我又想起了高中时候的一些事情,高中的时候我们有所谓的“劳动教育周”,在这一周,一个班级的学生不用上课,但是 也没有好事等着,一周的时间为 全校同学打扫卫生。我高中的班级是八班,我不知道为什么一些好事都是从一班开始最后到八班,而坏事总是从八班开始最后到一班。我们班级有幸在这样的活动中 走在了最前面,班级干部的积极性也颇高。只是管理者不知道如何去制定劳动的强度,最开始,学校所有的劳动,包括每一个班级的饭盒都是由一个班来送和取得 ——以我亲身经历而言,这项工作是很繁重的。劳动周中,又提出了“三净”的要求(后来几个学期,似乎又加入了“三静”和“三敬”),“三净”的具体内容我 已经记不清楚了,大概是地板要干净-大理石的地方要见光,楼梯扶手要干净-金属栏杆的部分要见光,还有一个什么要干净我记不清楚了,但是依稀的记得某些地 方还是要见光的。我现在怀疑,是不是这个“三净”跟“三光”有什么联系。随着劳动教育周进行,政策也变化了,不需要为每个班的人送饭框了,因为有人反映, 一个班级送饭太慢,这样中午太饿了,最后干脆送饭都是班级自己的事情了。到第四周时,劳动强度已经降低了好多,可惜我们那时候已经不再劳动周中了,我们没 有享受过别人给送饭的服务。第四周过后,学校组织下乡劳动——到农村去,这次是从一班、二班开始。农村根本没有什么活,一班二班的同学去的几天也赶上下 雨,根本没有干活,给我的感觉,就像现在的户外俱乐部组织的大型农家饭腐败活动一样。这样的活动学校也只办了一次,可能是农村那边的反应不太好,后来文理 分科我转到二班,听二班的同学口述以及我的凭空想象,大概他们当时是受了“三光”政策的影响。

上面有些跑题了,我们继续来三让。“人让 车,车让人,车让车”,表面看是好的,体现了我们礼仪之邦的气度,但却经不起推敲——总不能让个没完没了,那样还 要什么交通。最后,为了保证交通,还是先要有一个“当仁不让”的。再有,如果交通规则存在的话,自然会解释什么时候人该让车,什么时候车该让人,什么时候 车该让车,交通规则不就是让交通避免进入这“三让”的困境之中的么?依我看来,“三让”应该叫做“不三让”或者“三不让”才更合理一些。或许“三让”的目 的是让公民有更好的交通道德意识?但这种方法仍然来的不厚道,就像其他的Tips一样,它们光给出了怎么做,却不说为什么要这样做。(当然,三块代表不再 我批判其中,我相信,经过了这么久时间的全国学习,每一块表都能有无数报告、会议、讲话、心得、体会来诠释的)。所以,让这些“五讲四美三热爱两个基本点 一个中心”来的更少一些吧。

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

photos taken at Songhua river



I havn't expected the "Hello" would work, but i did work.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Naming & Creativity

Naming, is no doubt an activity challenging the human creativity. unlike activies like art, music, literature which are the privileges of small groups, naming is an activity partcipate by most people. We name things, more or less. At least, like it or not, we are given names when we are born. Naming is hard, though we have almost contributed everyone's brain cells to it, the status quo hasn't changed a little.

I have to admit I have difficulty with naming too. When i write programs, there's alwasy one thing makes me headache - giving names to variables. Same thing happend when I was chosing an English name for myself. Name, in my opinion, should firstly be sound, acceptable by most people - Weird name is not serious, respectful and responsible enough. On the other hand, name should be distinctive. It's sometime shameful to duplicate another's name. naming itself is contradictive.

I sufferd from naming - my name is abused, I have met 4 people with the same name as mine, seen my name printed on the newspaper which is not mine, and there are 1,750,000 search results of my name in Google. wait, can i call it "my name" again?. I shouldn't have complained too much about my name, this is a historical issue. what can i do is try to stop the tragedy happening again.

What I cannot agree with is re-name some good names. "Zongshan Road" can be found in nearly all the big cities of China, and there are also numerous "Beijing Street", "Yan'an Road", "People's Square", "Liberation Road". I don't believe they were built with these names. They are renamed - in order to show the creativity inside the brain cells of the people from a nation with great population.

Monday, April 18, 2005


最近有一部改编自小说的电视剧《中国式离婚》被炒得很火--其实也不是最近的事情了,大概也是有一年的光景了。没有亲自看过,只是碰巧在做出租的时候,听到电台中对这部电视剧(或是小说)的评述 -- 随着光阴流逝,婚姻在夫妻之间慢慢瓦解,并不需要第三者的参与。


活 了二十多年,参加了无数次的婚礼,才发现中国式的婚礼很怪异——它不是传统的,因为新郎新娘以及在婚礼中需要些体面的人穿的都是西式服装,婚礼中又要奏 一下婚礼进行曲。它也不是西式的,婚礼的典礼是在酒店而非教堂进行,典礼的主持不是牧师,而正堂上就座的则是男女双方高堂。


首先说新人吧,新郎穿着笔挺的西装,新娘穿着考究的婚纱。这都是为了给人透露出一种尊严和高贵。为什么偏偏要让些这新人被那些司仪羞辱一番,被喊着号子鞠 躬。典礼结束后呢,还要拿着酒杯到各个桌子敬上一杯——虽然这有水分。再说宾客,婚宴无论丰盛与否都是要上到桌上来的,不吃呢肯定是对主人的不敬,吃吧, 可是就着那台上的乐队的奏乐,以及业余歌手的演出,真是难以下咽。司仪呢,耍了一天的嘴皮子,也刁难了新郎与新娘子,但却难以产生一点满足感,回家后,拿 着婚礼主人给的分红,肯定心理在吗:这钱,真TMD难赚。


Monday, March 07, 2005


I watched the movie "Peacock" last week, i found myself like it. The movie is about a family lived in 70s in a small town in Henan, China. The family had five members, Father, mother, tow sons and a daughter. These children are in their 20s and they have thier own dreams, of course. The movie tells the stories - those mementos of the three children, peacefully. It feels a little bitter to see how one's dreams, ambitions became vanished.

We used to have dreams, hopes when we are still young, take myself as an example, i'd always wanted to live in europ for sometime, i want to learn to speak French, German, I wanted to learn to play guita, I wanted to be a good photographer, and I wanted a kind and lovely wife.....

Im not yonger anymore, after watching the film, i was a bit worry about my dreams.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Picture of Changshou Shan

Changshou Palace

I got this picture days ago, i was shot by me in Jan 30th, using my friend's EOS 30. Then he got back to Beijing in Feb 20th, and then scanned this film for me.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Boring Vacation

I've been reading some books during the Chinese New Year, cause I have nothing else to do:)

I finished reading a novel "Wolf Totem" by Jiang Rong and another two books by Wim Wenders "Einmal: Bild und Geschten" and "Die Zeit Mit Antonnioni". And an impressive book "My Spiritual Home" by Chinese Writer Wang Xiaobo.

"My Spiritual Home" is a collection of essays by Wang Xiaobo, published after his death in 1997. I've heard Wang before, but never had read his essays. Even though, I have heard a lot of words from his essays, like "The Major Silencers" . I've finished the culture part of his essay collection, found that it's not easy to put this book aside. His words in the essays was simple, pure but powerful, or more exactly, his idea was insightful. Appearantly, his early life has much influnced by the CR, his western experience also made him an independent thinker. He was oppsed to the mind imprisonment, which is still one of China's problem.

After I looked him up in the internet, I found him not listed in wikipedia english edition, so I created a wikipedia page for him.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

the need for speed

just back from skiing. that was the first skiing experience for me, although i slipped for countless times and had my right ear frostbited, still found it interesting.

i went to "wanshoushan" ski resort. it was a newly-built and large one, very near to harbin, about 1 hour and a half drive. so, it's much more convenient than most of the resorts near by.

after a simple breakfast, i went out of the hotel with rented ski equipments, and have my first slip as soon as i armed myslef with the equipments and made a move. have i mentioned im a smart learner? LOL. I learned(i prefer "invented", haha) to walk after the first slip.

there were several ski runs for different skiers, of coz, i choose the beginners' . i try to ski down at the middle of the run. it isn't a great speed when comming down. then, i begin to ski form higher and higher positions. as the speed increase, it became more exciting. the exciting just lasts for tens of second, experienceing the speed.

i planned to take 1 hour skiing and 1 hour photographing, but i spent 2 hours more skiing. ski is more interesting than i thought.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Almsdeed Show

later on, there're quite some almsdeed shows in order to help the people sufferd from tsunami. stars showed up, and gether denotions.

i just heard a news on TV, there's a almsdeed fashion show in Heilongjiang univercity held today in order to help 15 poor student could not afford the traffic fee back home in the vacation. im not sure about this, wheather it's almsdeed or it's a more show. The student in heilongjiang univercity usually came from heilongjiang province, and their traffic fee will not cost so much to held a almsdeed show. and the cost of the show itself maybe will not be cheaper that. so i really doubt about this.

but this remind me something happend years ago. it was a winter night, one of my roommate, who was monitor of the class, came back late, after enter the root, he took out 100rmb and sent it to another roomate - Zhenyu, said "she returned the money back to you, she said she wouldn't get back home wasn't due to lack of money". on hearing this, i knew Zhenyu was about to help a girl on his class silently, although they are not close friends. This made me feel the life is more beautiful than before.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Like a Startled Bird

Zhao Ziyang, the purged leader of CCP died on monday. he was quite a controversial people. offically he was accuesd of "splitting the party" by supporting anti-revolution rebellion, at the same time he was considered as a reformer on both economy and politics.

I hardly know Zhao before I entered to the college, I've got to know him since I read something about the '89 incident. I was still in my elementary school in the year 89, and knew nothing about the democratic campaign, and got my little brain washed by the local media. I was moved by the pure patriotic from the student calling for democracy in 89. I mean the mass students, except those chasing for personal benefits. So, I sympathize with those students, as well as Zhao.

I was very disapointed at what the goverment did after Zhao's death. No obituary by the CCTV news, only serval words was released by Xinhua news. and public memorial was forbidden. and since yesterday, some internet bbs and forums are shutdown.

maybe the goverment was so nevers about Zhao's death, casue the '89 indicent was triggered by Hu yaobang's death -- they are still not confident enough to face their own people.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Happiest Day as an Inter Fan

Last night, i was watch football on tv with my friends. the game shown on tv was Livorno vs Juventus. frankly, i really don't care about his match, im not fan of the either side. what i cared was the score shown on tv about another match procedding at the same time. It was Sapordoria vs Inter.

Inter hasn't been beatean this season, but rarely win. the results lies mostly in drawn. so Inter's not on top of the table. And a series of win is badly needed in order to bridge the gap from juven and milan. But unfortunately, after the 1st half, the score was: sampor1 : 0 inter. I was a little worried about inter, but not that much. because we used to equlized in the 2nd half. at 70 min on the 2nd half, bad news came that inter lose anther goal. At that time, i really don't think we can get the match win, even equlized. But miracle happend, at the end of the match, the commenter said inter has equalized in that match, and it was not over yet. After the add, Jianxiang Huang said, miracle happned at San Siro. Inter had won the math with 3-2. I was excited hearing the news.

Today's sports news about inter reports paised this miracle. and the player, Martins, Recoba and Vieri. it was their goals and sprit made this super-comeback.

"it was the happies day in my career" said Vieri, and I think this's my happies as an inter fan.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


i've got "reconciled" with a former close friend, well, actually i had been a chaser of her since years ago. i blocked her the time i knew she'd got a b/f, who was also a close friend of mine and had another g/f at the same time. days ago i unblocked her from my msn contract list, so we can have a "normal" conversation. I blocked her partly because, just as she said, "out of sight, out of mind", i thought i need time to get myself to get it over.

"I thought we were not going to be friends again." she told me online, after i promised her i would welcome her at shanghai after i go to work in july, " I've never expected to get your welcome there."

"Well," She continued, "I'd like to tell you what i'd been longly want to say to you, since we are friends again...We had been friends for years, I didn't mean to hurt anyone. However, you and me, we are so different anyway, and you'd always been so kind to me, i could not say it out... In fact, i could feel it after the Changbaishan trip. but you told me you didn't want me to miss a better one -- girls wouldn't think this way. I think we missed each other when we considered each other are the best, and once missed, we'll never back again...You are definitly a good guy, you are the prince in many gals' mind. So, never lose a chance again, be confident, you are the best, even if you failed, you'll not feel regreted..."

I apprieciated for her sincere words. Although i did't make any senseful reply, i really felt, at this time, i can come to term with the facts.

I liked this girl, and now i know she liked me too, but i never took the first step, and missed the chance. However, if we were together, im still not sure of the future of us. I had some considerations at that time. First, we're different in many ways, in fact, i cannot understand her well, her style of dealling with stuffs. I might disagree on her in many ways. I don't want to force her to change her style, neither i wanted to change my thoughts. Second, I'd always dreaming a career in other cities, if she could go with me, Im sure she will have a tough life with meat the beginning, i don't want her to suffer. Or, I choose to stay here not to move, this is a really sweet surrender...

I am perfectionism, which makes conderations. these considerations make me hesitated, and hesitation prohibits me taking any action. This is a major weekness of my personality. And I consider her perfectionism too. Once, my high-school teacher, Ms Fu, said to me(she saw though my mind), she thought she(the girl) and i would have made a good couple, because she and i are both perfectionism. But perfectionism made us not being a couple, too.

I like the movie "Beyond the Clouds" very much, especially the first story. Because i find myself in that story.