Friday, February 11, 2005

Boring Vacation

I've been reading some books during the Chinese New Year, cause I have nothing else to do:)

I finished reading a novel "Wolf Totem" by Jiang Rong and another two books by Wim Wenders "Einmal: Bild und Geschten" and "Die Zeit Mit Antonnioni". And an impressive book "My Spiritual Home" by Chinese Writer Wang Xiaobo.

"My Spiritual Home" is a collection of essays by Wang Xiaobo, published after his death in 1997. I've heard Wang before, but never had read his essays. Even though, I have heard a lot of words from his essays, like "The Major Silencers" . I've finished the culture part of his essay collection, found that it's not easy to put this book aside. His words in the essays was simple, pure but powerful, or more exactly, his idea was insightful. Appearantly, his early life has much influnced by the CR, his western experience also made him an independent thinker. He was oppsed to the mind imprisonment, which is still one of China's problem.

After I looked him up in the internet, I found him not listed in wikipedia english edition, so I created a wikipedia page for him.

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