Monday, August 30, 2004

a box of chocolate

The Athens 2004 Olympics is over, China has won 32 Golds, which is a historical highest. Therefore, several days before, many maintained that China would win no more than 25, for China team fails on many of its superior games. We made mistakes on Gyms but we made breakthough on Athletic and Canoe.

On ther other hand, the US basketball dreamteam was suppposed to won the game. But their arrogant turned the gold into bronze.

"Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will get", said Gump's Mom.

As far as myself concerned, I've been using Gmail for months, but got not invitations to others. Today, when I open my mail inbox, discovered there were 6 invitaions, and I got another 6 later on. what a box of chocolate! hehehe.

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